Τα Project μας

Kineo este un proiect inițiat de asociația noastră în colaborare cu Centrul de Cercetare Campus din București. Obiectivul acestei inițiative este acela de a crea un echipament pornind de la nevoile specifice ale fiecărui copil cu dizabilitate neuro motorie, care să fie ajustabil pentru creștere...

Little Sundrop and the Unnamable Terrible Evil is a short fairytale that I wrote having as inspiration our own journey as special needs parents searching for a diagnosis. Special thanks for creating this beautiful and emotional cover go to Jasleni Brito. Thank you, Jasleni! You may buy...

“Of Thalien and other fantastic places” is an imaginary story with real life challenges. It’s a combination of hope, insecurity, friendship, desperation, love, feeling that you are juggling elephants, trust, bad situations combined with very bad situations all seasoned with a pinch of humor....